Ioannis Antoniou,
Secondary-education Teacher, PhD (National Technical University of Athens, NTUA / National Kapodistrian University of Athens, NKUA)
Chairman of the Institute of Educational Policy, November 2019 – present.
Director of Studies in ‘Nea Genia Ziridis’ private school, 2015-2017.
Member of the Board of the Institute of Educational Policy, 2013-2015.
Vice-president of the Executive Committee for the Experimental Schools, 2011-2015.
Principal of the 2nd Experimental Junior High School of Athens, 2007-2015.
Secondary-education teacher, 1980-2015.
Tutor in the Hellenic Open University, 2006-2016.
PhD in the History of Technology, NTUA/NKUA, 2004.
Visiting Scientist in Virginia Technological Institute and University, 2004.
Master’s Degree in the History and Philosophy of Sciences and Technology, NTUA/NKUA, 2000.
BA from the School of Philosophy NKUA, 1976.
- S. & N. Tsalapata Brickwork Factory (1917-1978), Athens, Cultural Institute of Piraeus Bank, 2009.
- National Identities of Engineers, their Past and Present, Atlanta, USA, Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) History and Technology Volume 23, n.3, September 2007. Guest editor with M. Assimakopoulos and K. Chatzis.
- Greek Engineers, Institutions and Ideas, 1900-1940. Athens, Vivliorama, 2006.
Paper presentations and publications:
Paper presentations in Greek and international scientific conferences and meetings.
Publications papers in Greek and international scientific journals and books.