The Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) is an executive, scientific and research body that supports the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports as well as the supervised bodies in matters related to primary and secondary education, teacher training, the transition from secondary to Higher Education, post-secondary education, the confrontation of educational inequalities, student dropout and early school leaving aiming at the assurance of every child’s right to education. It issues opinion or proposes upon related query on the part of the Minister of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports or ex officio according to the law in force 3966/2011 (art. 2, par. 3, line a).
In the context of keeping the right procedure and in order to avoid breach of the above stipulation, educational services, institutions, scientific or trade associations, individual citizens as well as anyone interested are able to submit their queries, documents, propositions, comments or suggestions to the competent bureaus at the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports in order to be officially forwarded to the Institution of Educational Policy (IEP).
As for queries concerning implementation of actions or/and programmes as well as queries regarding survey conduct at schools you can be informed here.

Απόφαση ΔΣ του Ι.Ε.Π. περί έγκρισης παράτασης της καταληκτικής ημερομηνίας υποβολής αιτήσεων της υπ’ αρ. 6087/17-05-2022 (28/12-5-2022 Πράξη του Δ.Σ. του Ι.Ε.Π., ΑΔΑ: Ψ8Ω4ΟΞΛΔ-7ΤΙ) Πρόσκλησης

There is no translation available.

Απόφαση ΔΣ του Ι.Ε.Π. περί έγκρισης παράτασης της καταληκτικής ημερομηνίας υποβολής αιτήσεων της υπ’ αρ. 6087/17-05-2022 (28/12-5-2022 Πράξη του Δ.Σ. του Ι.Ε.Π., ΑΔΑ: Ψ8Ω4ΟΞΛΔ-7ΤΙ) Πρόσκλησης εκδήλωσης ενδιαφέροντος για σύναψη σύμβασης μίσθωσης έργου ιδιωτικού δικαίου με έναν/μία (1) ελεύθερο επαγγελματία για τις ανάγκες της Ενέργειας WP1 (T1.2): «Διοικητική και οικονομική υποστήριξη» (Administrative and financial support) στο πλαίσιο υλοποίησης του Ευρωπαϊκού Έργου «Learning from the Extremes»(Grant Agreement, number: LC-01760255 / 101052266 Learning from the Extremes), λόγω απουσίας αιτήσεων, έως και την Δευτέρα 06-06-2022 και ώρα 13:00.

[Σχετική Πρόσκληση]


  • Phone Book
  • Tel: 213 1335 100
  • E-mail: info[at]
  • Postal address: An. Tsocha 36 str., Athens, zip code 11521

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