The Unit is responsible for every issue concerning educational innovation.
Its tasks consist in the following:
- to assess, research and enhance all issues concerning educational material and activities for the Skills Labs and the Sustainable School.
- to attend systematically to the validation and application of pedagogical and teaching methods aimed to be employed in educational programs and innovations beyond the regular school function and curriculum. To illustrate, this would include educational programs, school competitions, school festivals and conference simulations. The Educational Innovation Unit would approve their implementation for issues concerning the following theme topics:
- Environment (ecology, natural disasters, environmental education, recycling, natural environment, local habitats, biodiversity, management of natural resources, sustainability, solar radiation, electromagnetic radiation and its consequences, love for animals, urban-rural development, tourism etc.)
- Consumer education, consumer behavior models and environment
- Traffic education, road safety, accident prevention
- Cultural education (material and non-material culture, folklore, cultural heritage, local history, sciences and the arts, environment and monuments, archaeological and historical sites, environment and history, mythology, museum education etc.)
- school library, love of reading-digital media and technology, utilization of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) tools, for example, video production, digital art, and moving picture
- school press, school radio
- subject matters fostered by the Environmental Education Centers (EEC)
- Health education (addiction, dependencies, smoking, alcohol, substances, oral hygiene, exercise and healthy way of life, first aid, blood donation, nutrition etc.)
- to approve the research process in Primary and Secondary Education school units as well as in education structures that lie within the competence of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports.
For the process of program and research approval please click here
Note: According to par. 2, art. 87, law 4823/2021, IEP determines the criteria and requirements that the requests should meet to meet with approval of the implementation educational programs, school competitions, festivals, conference simulations, and educational research that concern pupils in Primary Education (Kindergarten-Primary School) and Secondary Education (Junior High School, High School) as well as the approval of educational materials that are employed at the Skills Labs.