Primary Education Unit

The Primary Education Unit deals with issues concerning preschool pupils (4-6 years of age) and primary school pupils (6-12 years of age). It issues opinions on matters related to kindergarten and primary school curricula as well as accompanying educational material (e.g. kindergarten teacher’s guide), primary school textbooks, kindergarten and primary school weekly schedule and other matters concerning the proper functioning of kindergartens and primary schools.

In addition, it delivers, after queries, opinions to the Ministry of Education Parliamentary Control Department on the implementation of programs delivered by various institutions, e.g. Universities or research undertaken by postgraduate students or doctoral candidates in the field of preschool and primary education.

Within the framework of its competencies, the unit may also design and implement surveys relevant to preschool or primary education as well as participate in funded or co-funded programs that pertain to the particular education level.


Dimitrios Zympidis
Primary School Teacher
Consultant A2131335302dzimpidis[at]
Varvara Anastasiadou
Kindergarten Teacher
Sofia Apostolou
Primary School Teacher
Nikoleta Damaskinou
Primary School Teacher
Consultant B2131335334n.damaskinou[at]
Maria Gelastopoulou CV icon
Special Education Kindergarten Teacher
Consultant A2131335107gelm[at]
Athanasios Giannikas
Primary School Teacher
Consultant A2131335302agiannikas[at]
Eleni Hantzouli
Primary School Teacher
Consultant B2131335406e.hantzouli[at]
Konstantinos Kousoulos
Computer Science Teacher
Anna Aikaterini Lykouri
Primary School Teacher
Consultant A2131335105a.likouri[at]
Varvara Panagioti
Primary School Teacher
Sofia Papageorgiou
Kindergarten Teacher
Consultant B2131335412s.papageorgiou[at]


  • Phone Book
  • Tel: 213 1335 100
  • E-mail: info[at]
  • Postal address: An. Tsocha 36 str., Athens, zip code 11521

Παραλαβή και Παρακολούθηση Αναφορών στο ΙΕΠ βάσει του ν. 4990/2022 (Α΄ 210)

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