Unit of Special and Inclusive Education

Our vision

One School for all children with an inclusive culture and a learning environment differentiated for special educational needs, as reflected in the video-message of the European Body for Special and Inclusive Education.

Our aim

The constant elaboration of programs, special methods and practices as well as the educational material in order to safeguard

  • the right to education for every child that faces difficulties and hindrances at any stage of his/her school life
  • the differentiation of didactic methodology and educational culture
  • the interdisciplinarity regarding the support of individual needs and the interoperability of services
  • pupil inclusion by means of a multilingual and multicultural material
  • inclusive culture along with cultural and multilingual learning
  • the support for teachers, in particular teachers with disabilities

The work of the Unit for Inclusive and Special Education is to analyse and promote:

  • pedagogy and didactics of school and pupil inclusion
  • methodology for the inclusion of children with a different linguistic, learning, cultural and social background
  • principles, tools and procedures for the individualization and differentiation of teaching
  • study programs/curricula and the weekly schedule of Special Education School Units
  • educational planning of early and timely intervention for disability
  • educational and didactic planning for the reception and inclusion of newcomer pupils
  • methodology of transition and promotion of vulnerable children learner readiness
  • observation and incorporation of international and European tools in order to implement the Children’s Rights
  • educational acts for the elimination of discrimination
  • necessary educational measures in order to prevent any type of school failure and school dropout of children with disabilities and other special educational needs
  • methods and tools to improve the accessibility of study programs for all learning styles
  • methodology and tools for educational system support agencies
  • accessibility of the IEP training material and publications for teachers with disabilities and print disability
  • transitions and collaboration procedures with local authorities support institutions along with health and mental health services.


Maria Gelastopoulou
(Coordinator)CV icon
Special Education Kindergarten Teacher
Consultant A2131335107gelm[at]iep.edu.gr
Sofia Apostolou
Primary School Teacher
Pavlina Charalampidou
Primary School Teacher
Consultant B2131335411pcharalampidou[at]iep.edu.gr
Sofia Giovanoglou CV icon
Social Sciences Teacher
Consultant A2131335403sgiovanoglou[at]iep.edu.gr
Eleni Hantzouli
Primary School Teacher
Consultant B2131335406e.hantzouli[at]iep.edu.gr
Eftixia Kiriazidou
Primary School Teacher
Sofia Papageorgiou
Kindergarten Teacher
Consultant B2131335412s.papageorgiou[at]iep.edu.gr
Argyro Rentzi
Kindergarten Teacher
Consultant A2131335406a.rentzi[at]iep.edu.gr
Panagiota Theodorakopoulou
Primary School Teacher
Anastasia Vitsa
Primary School Teacher


  • Phone Book
  • Tel: 213 1335 100
  • E-mail: info[at]iep.edu.gr
  • Postal address: An. Tsocha 36 str., Athens, zip code 11521

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