Section C: Training and Assessment of Educational Work and Educators, European and International Educational Policy

Section C Training and Assessment of Educational Work and Educators, European and International Educational Policy is responsible for issues concerning:

  • The professional development of teachers and education officials (training and accreditation of training actions)
  • The assessment / evaluation of educational work and educators
  • The monitoring and study of international and European educational policy.

Within its mandate, it registers, studies and collects data for every issue regarding primary and secondary education that requires monitoring and policy planning such as student dropout and early school leaving through a special Observatory.

In the same framework, it proposes measures and actions for the timely and effective response to the country’s obligations arising from its participation in international programmes like PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) of OOSA and ICILS (International Computer and Information Literacy Study), it shapes and monitors indicators related to educational work, while at the same time, it cooperates with institutions of the Public Sector, universities and international organizations aiming at data exchange and their interpretation.


Maria Nika
(Head)CV icon
English LanguageTeacher
Consultant A2131335558marnika[at]
Maria Anagnostou
Primary School Teacher
Consultant B2131335550m.anagnostou[at]
Anna Georgiadou CV icon
Greek Language Teacher
Evaggelia Kalogiratou
Primary School Teacher
Consultant B2131335557e.kalogiratou[at]
Georgios Kapsalis
Primary School Teacher
Consultant A2131335559g.kapsalis[at]
Sofia Karagianni
Primary School Teacher
Consultant B2131335552skaragianni[at]
Panagiota Mini
Primary School Teacher
Aikaterini Mitsa
Eftixia Simiakaki
Seconded Administrative Assistant2131335556e.simiakaki[at]
Eudoksia Stefani
Kindergarten Teacher
Consultant B2131335130e.stefani[at]
Christina Errietta Syka
English LanguageTeacher
Consultant B2131335561chesika[at]
Pavlos Velitzelos
Greek Language Teacher
Stavroula Vourvouli
Primary School Teacher
Consultant B2131335566svourvouli[at]


  • Phone Book
  • Tel: 213 1335 100
  • E-mail: info[at]
  • Postal address: An. Tsocha 36 str., Athens, zip code 11521

Παραλαβή και Παρακολούθηση Αναφορών στο ΙΕΠ βάσει του ν. 4990/2022 (Α΄ 210)

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