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Start Date: 01/02/2017

End Date: 31/12/2019

The Operation aims at upgrading the quality of the Moslem Theological Schools as well as providing support for the teaching of the Koran to pupils-members of the Muslim Minority of Thrace through the development of 10 teaching packages for the Moslem Theological Schools (Junior High School) together with the corresponding multimodal material and CDs. Every educational package will be developed together with a corresponding Curriculum. A training programme for teachers will also be implemented for the effective pedagogical use of the curricula and the teaching packages.


  • Drawing up a curriculum and corresponding new educational material
  • Teacher training


Co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) within the framework of the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020”.

Project Manager: Panagiotis Savorianakis

Παραλαβή και Παρακολούθηση Αναφορών στο ΙΕΠ βάσει του ν. 4990/2022 (Α΄ 210)


  • Phone Book
  • Tel: 213 1335 100
  • E-mail: info[at]
  • Postal address: An. Tsocha 36 str., Athens, zip code 11521

IEP map
